Tips for SG

DiamandDiner wrote

it's so amusing how the pillars on hokuno 2 deathmatch are so annoying that they deserve their own # on the list

Omg you're so right it makes me want to choke on a dick and die
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churupan wrote

DiamandDiner wrote...

Omg you're so right it makes me want to choke on a dick and die

why do you have to die by choking on a dick
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DiamandDiner wrote

churupan wrote...

why do you have to die by choking on a dick

bcz its fun just like u
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churupan wrote

DiamandDiner wrote...

bcz its fun just like u

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DiamandDiner wrote

churupan wrote...


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Getting a bit off topic aren't we..
Can we start talking about SG again..
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DiamandDiner wrote

it's so amusing how the pillars on hokuno 2 deathmatch are so annoying that they deserve their own # on the list

They absolutely are

Alright so since you updated the thread I'm gonna answer again:

Kokocomando wrote

1. In-game Clans

If you mean clan tags I'm neutral, might be cool for some people

Kokocomando wrote

2. Faster points updates

+1, sometimes I don't get rating update message at all and have to switch lobbies until I find out how much rating I have. I always get them in Meetup and barely in SG

Kokocomando wrote

3. Add new maps every 3 months.

+1, kinda tired of playing same maps

Kokocomando wrote

4. Greater emphasis on gameplay and points e.g. more food types, (no random damage in dm which I can wait out and kill someone with a single arrow), make supply drops more useful and crucial(diamonds), larger points ranges and exact points from every kill as well as points for every win.


Kokocomando wrote

5. leaderboard update: SG has been around for a while there are 3 main things we use to judge a player.
w/l(win/games) ratio
kill death ratio
friends functionality

idk, +1

Kokocomando wrote


Neutral, barely any maps have ench tables

Kokocomando wrote

7. passive mobs

Wouldn't harm anybody so +1, also there shouldn't be a lot of them and they should spawn only on the border of maps so they wouldn't affect pvp

Kokocomando wrote


+1, why not

Kokocomando wrote

9. add point bounties for 1st 2nd and 3rd on leaderboard by Points.

Would increase targetting, completely disagree. -1

Kokocomando wrote

10.increase team limit to 4.


Kokocomando wrote

11. Remove the pillars off Hukono V2 DM.

HUGE +1, they're shit. They can also make the arena bigger so they wouldn't be as cancerous

Kokocomando wrote

12. nerf Nico, ronnie and tirth.

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Limeintine wrote

If you remove percentage vote then some maps will never be played…

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