Last edited on 08 May 2023 - 10:21 PM by ScrubV2

Hello Badlion Client players. Today I would like to talk about the Badlion Client, and a direction we have decided to take with it. From the beginning of Badlion Client’s creation, combatting the Minecraft cheating scene was always a top priority for us. We came from a competitive Minecraft community that was determined to shape the esports world with our servers. While that did not go to plan, we were able to help create a solid anticheat product that helped catch tens of thousands of cheaters over the years and help keep PvP more fair in Minecraft. Over time though, we have seen a reduced number of players using the anticheat services we provide in Badlion Client, and we never have had a large number of BAC server partners either. Competitive Minecraft PvP has become less popular than it once was, as more and more players continue to enjoy the game in other ways such as creative, SMPs, Skyblock, etc.
Due to these changing times and circumstances, we have decided to discontinue our anticheat services for the Badlion Client. We understand that some of you might be upset by this decision, but ultimately we believe that by focusing more of our energy on the core Badlion Client experience, we will create a better experience that can serve the wider Minecraft community. We would like to thank the hundreds of thousands of Badlion Client players over the years that used our anticheat product, and helped to make the Minecraft community a little bit better by ridding it of cheaters. When these changes are completed, we will be able to solve some other key user facing issues that many of you voice to us, such as admin privileges being required when turning on Badlion Client, bootup speed of Minecraft, and M1/M2 support for Apple Silicon processors. We promise that we will be able to resolve all three of these key issues (and more) over the coming months as we decommission the anticheat product.
Badlion Client today still offers the largest all in one mod library for Minecraft players to enjoy completely for free. We will continue to work on providing all of our players the best Minecraft experience we can. We would like to thank the millions of players who have used and continue to use our Minecraft Client each year. We are happy to continue to build further trust in the Minecraft community as we continue to ship a safe and great experience that is family friendly.
We have created a short FAQ below to answer any questions that you might have about the anticheat services.
What players are affected by this change?
Windows players who currently have the anticheat installed will be affected by these changes. None of these changes will affect your gameplay with the Badlion Client or Minecraft in general, but rather will affect whether you get “BAC Status” when joining select Minecraft servers that are BAC server partners. For 98% of our players, these changes will have absolutely no negative effect on you, and you may continue to enjoy playing on Badlion Client worry free.
When will the anticheat services stop being available?
We will disable all anticheat services starting on June 19th 2023 at 07:00 UTC Check Local Time Here.
From this moment on, you will no longer be able to connect to BAC servers with the anti cheat enabled. To further clarify: you will still be able to play any Minecraft server of course, but just not with the anticheat running in the background.
When will the anticheat be uninstalled from my computer?
It is our goal to release a patch shortly after this June 19th decommission date that will uninstall the anticheat product for any Badlion Client Windows players that still have it installed. We will continue to bundle our anticheat uninstaller with all of our Badlion Client builds for the foreseeable future to help further clean up any rogue installations. If you are using the Badlion Client actively, we will inform you when the anti cheat has been uninstalled from your computer. It will take a full computer restart to complete the uninstallation.
I already want to uninstall the Badlion Client anticheat, how can I do this?
If you do not want to wait until we automatically uninstall the anticheat, you can uninstall the anticheat by yourself (if you have it installed) at any time by following our support article here.
What will happen to the people who were caught cheating?
For now, nothing will change about our stance with the cheaters. We will continue to store their bans up until they expire in our database for the coming months. We will re-analyze the situation later this year and determine if we want to delete the entire database of cheaters or not.
I am a server owner and am using the Badlion Client anticheat plugin on my server. What should I do?
You have two options:
1. You can choose to already disable the anticheat services on your server before June 19th through the BAC Server Panel and already uninstall the plugins & library files we ship with it.
2. You can continue to use the services up until June 19th with your server, and then shortly after this we will release a plugin update that effectively removes/deletes the plugin & library files from your server.
We will cancel all BAC server subscriptions starting on the 19th of June if you do not cancel it before then. We want to ensure that there is no disruption in service for those of you who wish to keep the anticheat services running up until then.
Posted on 08 May 2023 - 07:13 PM
it's sad to see the anti cheat. Been here even before Badlion Premium and it's such a pain to see an amazing thing end. Thanks for help GCheat and BACPosted on 09 May 2023 - 02:57 PM
I'm glad it is no longer a thing, it cause d/s quite a lot of issues for me during regular playing with resourcepacksPosted on 09 May 2023 - 04:25 PM
I expected this to happen sooner or later. Bye bye BAC 🫡Posted on 09 May 2023 - 05:24 PM
Genocado wrote
Feel the same way, been here since the beginning… sad to see it go but it's for the best :)
Posted on 10 May 2023 - 04:50 PM
Honestly, I'm glad. It eliminates another source of bloat and will increase performance. That, alongside removing a source of potential zero-days and exploits being a kernal-accessing program.Posted on 26 May 2023 - 11:23 AM
It's been an incredible journey from what was a highly modifed NoCheatPLus Plugin, to GCheat spamming moderators chats, to huge ban waves, to becoming the first and most amazing client/server side cheat prevention in Minecraft.Hope Adam and the team are doing well.