トピック 統計 最新のスレッド

News and Information about Badlion

最新のスレッド: 1 ヶ月前
543 トピック
39465 投稿
By huhyouexiist
1 ヶ月前
Premium Announcement

Get a sneak peak at upcoming Badlion Client features with the Premium rank

最新のスレッド: 1 年前
5 トピック
44 投稿
By Riotly
1 年前
Developer Updates

Updates to Badlion from a Developer perspective.

最新のスレッド: 3 年前
61 トピック
2264 投稿
By JestemZiemniak
3 年前
General Discussion

General discussions about the Badlion Client

最新のスレッド: 6 日前
5033 トピック
14503 投稿
By subsolarbutter
6 日前

Got an idea or suggestion? Post it here and gather feedback about it.

最新のスレッド: 11 時間前
11875 トピック
91576 投稿
By Helix_X
11 時間前
Bugs or Broken Features

Something broken? Report it here so we can fix it!

最新のスレッド: 4 時間前
Badlion Client Bugs Resolved Translation Errors
4948 トピック
20314 投稿
By Waschbarjunge
4 時間前
Payment Support

Got a problem when trying to buy something on the Badlion Store? Ask here for help!

最新のスレッド: 13 時間前
17970 トピック
69355 投稿
By UnknownFact
13 時間前
トピック 統計 最新のスレッド
Off Topic

Discuss anything not related to the Badlion or the games we play here. Keep it PG-13 please...

最新のスレッド: 2 週間前
5331 トピック
72910 投稿
By kyleisNOTmyname
2 週間前

Post pics/videos from all around the internet here. Keep it PG-13 please...

最新のスレッド: 2 週間前
2599 トピック
6586 投稿
By kyleisNOTmyname
2 週間前
Other Games

Got a passion for another game? Share your passion with other gamers here.

最新のスレッド: 4 ヶ月前
406 トピック
3445 投稿
By xcg_
4 ヶ月前
トピック 統計 最新のスレッド

General Discussion Arena PvP Survival Games Capture The Flag (CTF) UHC Media YouTube Submissions Resource/Texture Packs
0 トピック
0 投稿

Discuss aspects of Badlion based on region or in a different language.

Unofficial Events Clan Recruitment Deutsche Diskussionen Discussions en Français Discusiones en Español Türk konusmalar Discussioni in Italiano Nederlandse Discussies
0 トピック
0 投稿
Badlion Network

Badlion Network Information

Official Events Competitive Gameplay Community Feedback
0 トピック
0 投稿