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The 6 Best Minecraft Plains seeds for Java Edition

Find 6 Minecraft Plains seeds for your next survival base!
The 6 Best Minecraft Plains seeds for Java EditionArticle posted on April 11, 2023 - 04:00 PM
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At first glance, Minecraft Plains seeds might appear very unassuming. With just grass, flowers, and the occasional tree, why would any player want to set up their base there? As it turns out, Plains Biomes aren't just useful for getting dirt blocks. There are actually several reasons why the Plains Biome is one of the best Biomes in Minecraft.

Read on to see the best Minecraft Plains seeds for Java edition!

Best Minecraft Plains Biome Seeds for 1.19 Java Edition

  1. Seed 234345: Contains Snowey Plains, Ice Spikes, and Villages
  2. Seed -7648632456: Has a Pillarger Outpost and plenty of resources
  3. Seed 34006: Beautiful Minecraft world generation with plenty of resources
  4. Seed 7600: A great Minecraft survival seed with resources and a cool island
  5. Seed -2065: Spawn right next to a Snowy Slope Biome with plenty of resources and a nice Village
  6. Seed 56007: Large Ice Spikes and Snowy Plains Biome and an Igloo with a basement

Keep reading to learn more about these Minecraft seeds!

Minecraft Seed 234345

A Minecraft Plains Biome Village between an Ice Spike biome and Snowy Tiaga Biome
This Plains Biome Minecraft seed offers a vast Plain right at spawn. One of the most remarkable features is the Ice Spike and Snowey Plains Biomes that border this Biome.

In addition, there are not one, not two, but three Minecraft Villages within in vicinity of spawn. Even better, there are two Ruiend Portals for you to loot near each of the Villages.

Notable Features
Village 1X: 256 Z: -416
Village 2X: -144 Z: 400
Village 3X: 336 Z: 176
Ruined Portal 1X: 56 Z: -424
Ruined Portal 2X: -264 Z: 344

Minecraft Seed -7648632456

A Minecraft Plains Biome Village near a Pillager Outpost
This Plains seed for Minecraft spawns you near a Pillager Outpost and two villages, making it an ideal seed for villager raids. There are plenty of caves nearby, a lava pool right next to a river, and different types of forest Biomes just west of spawn, so you will have plenty of resources to start your survival journey.

Notable Features
Village 1X: 704 Z: -192
Village 2X: 400 Z: -400
Pillager OutpostX: 512 Z: -160
Lava PoolX: 306 Z: -278

Minecraft Seed 34006

A Minecraft Plains Biome Village on a beach next to a Shipwreck
This is perhaps one of the most beautiful Plain Minecraft seeds on this list. After spawning, head northeast a couple of hundreds of blocks, and you will find a peaceful village nestled between a mountain and a tranquil ocean.

Just offshore, you will find a shipwreck ready for looting. On top of this, a Sunflower variant of the Plains Biome surrounds the Village. Scattered about are Sunflowers, adding to the beauty and providing a new resource.

Regarding resources, with this seed, you can find a lava pit just west of the main Village and a flower forest further northeast. In simple terms, this is one of the best Minecraft Survival seeds featuring a Plains Biome.

Notable Features
VillageX: 176 Z: -464
ShipwreckX: 248 Z: -456
Ruined PortalX: 168 Z: -504

Minecraft Seed 7600

A Minecraft Island next to a Plains Biome Village
Another terrific Minecraft Plains seed specifically for survival is Seed 7600. First, this seed spawns you into another beautiful location. Initially, you will find yourself on an island surrounded by a river. This unique island seed provides a perfect spot for castle builds.

A large village on a hillside is just south of your island. However, looking beneath this village, you will find a vast cavern leading to an underground cave system and ravine ripe with resources. This seed is a must-use with significant resource opportunities, world generation, and even more Sunflowers.

Notable Features
VillageX: 192 Z: 112
ShipwreckX: -296 Z: -104
Ruined PortalX: 344 Z: 200
Pillager OutpostX: 608 Z: 96

Minecraft Seeed -2065

A Minecraft Plains Biome Village located between a valley and Snowy Slope Biome
With Minecraft seed -2065, you are spawned right next to a Snowy Slopes Biome.

This Biome is perfect for winter-themed Minecraft builds. For example, consider creating a ski resort, log cabin, or even a castle. Just south, you will find a village squeezed into a valley, making this seed great for survival. There are even more villages east and northeast of spawn.

If you're using Minecraft version 1.19 to explore this Plains Biome, you can find an Ancient City in the depths of a cave, right next to a village.

Notable Features
Village 1X: 208 Z: 80
Village 2X: -240 Z: 64
Village 3X: 288 Z: -256
Ancient City X: 104 Y: -51 Z: 200
Shipwreck X: -72 Z: -264

Minecraft Seeed 56007

A Minecraft Snowy Plains Biome located near an Ice Spikes Biome
Prepare for the cold with our next seed. Minecraft seed 56007 offers a great Snowy Plains Biome, another Plains variant. You will find a large Ice Spikes Biome north of the spawn point, which is perfect for harvesting Packed Ice. Walk a couple of hundred blocks east of spawn, and you will find a Snow Plains Village, which provides vital resources for survival.

In addition, you will find an Igloo structure with a basement so that you can heal a villager without much effort, located south of spawn.

Finally, a large Snowy Tiaga Biome is just west of the Igloo, giving you plenty of wood to build your house.

Notable Features
Village 1X: 288 Z: 0
Village 2X: -496 Z: 0
IglooX: 8 Z: 248
Ruined PortalX: 200 Z: 136

What is a Minecraft Seed

A Minecraft seed is a unique code or sequence of letters and numbers, which Minecraft uses as a basis for world generation. When you create a Minecraft world, your world will be randomly generated. However, if you make a Minecraft world with a seed, the generation will be the same every time you create another world with that same seed.

For example, if you start a world with the seed 123, and your Friend also makes a world with the seed 123, both of your worlds will be created the same. Mountains, rivers, caves, and structures will all be in the same spot.

This is why you can use seeds listed in an article like this to create pre-determined worlds.

How to use a seed in Minecraft

To use a custom Minecraft seed for world generation, do the following:

  1. Open Minecraft and click "Single Player"
  2. Click "Create New World"
  3. Click on the "World" tab
  4. Input your desired seed into the "Seed for the World Generator" section, then click "Create New World"

How to explore these seeds efficiently

In this article, we provide you with exact coordinates to points of interest. Obviously, you can not explore them simultaneously, and you probably don’t want to memorize them all.

For this reason, we highly recommend using the Waypoints mod to save all the points of interest for seed as waypoints so that you can navigate to each easily.

How can you install and start using the Waypoints mod? Check out our Waypoints article, where we discuss just that.

Get out there and start exploring these Minecraft Seeds for Plains Biomes! You might find your next Minecraft Survival base location full of resources and beautiful world generations.

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