Badlion Client
Badlion Client
Players Online: 21.1k



Here at Badlion we want to promote content creation of our server. Many of you use our logo and name in your content creation including videos and artwork. Please keep in mind that the below images are trademarked and as a result we have the right to determine the usage of the images. We are not strict here, we are ok with people using our logo's and trademarks in their content production as long as it is not:

1. Illegal

2. Defaming our Servers/Staff/Website/etc

3. Cheating

Please note the list above is subject to change, so check back every now and then.

If you have good intentions with our trademarks than please feel free to use the high quality images below for your content creation:

(Note they are very big so you can shrink them without losing quality of the images. We suggest you right click on the links below and save them to your computer instead of trying to open on your browser)

Logo (only lion head + diamond) -

Badlion (black)

Badlion (white) -

Badlion Client (black) -

Badlion Client (white) -