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The 8 Best Jungle Minecraft Seeds

Explore 8 amazing Minecraft Jungle Seeds
The 8 Best Jungle Minecraft SeedsArticle posted on April 17, 2023 - 05:00 PM
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Jungle Minecraft seeds are some of the coolest seeds to explore in Minecraft. Jungle Biomes contain huge Jungle trees that can provide you with enough wood to last a lifetime. Likewise, finding a Bamboo Jungle will provide you with a cheap renewable fuel source and an infinite supply of sticks. And, of course, how can you forget the cute Pandas, which exclusively spawn in Jungle Biomes?

Keep reading to discover the 8 best Seeds for Minecraft Jungle Biomes!

Best Minecraft Jungle Seeds for Java

  1. Seed 404: Vast Jungle with multiple temples and Lush Cave Biome at spawn
  2. Seed 868565861386474240: A jungle island Minecraft seed with plenty of resources for Minecraft Survival
  3. Seed -453538453643: Perfect Jungle Minecraft Seed for loot
  4. Seed 5432484329: This seed offers a woodland mansion right near spawn, boarding a Jungle Biome
  5. Seed -101056: Two Jungle Temples near spawn, mangrove biome, and village
  6. Seed -33400134526776547410: Spawn right on a Jungle Temple
  7. Seed 6543467665436: Massive Jungle with multiple ancient cities, mineshafts, temples, jungle volcano
  8. Seed 999876865787547486562334: Massive Jungle with four temples, a village, and a pillager outpost

Minecraft Jungle Seed 404

A Minecraft Jungle Biome with a Lake and Lush Cave Biome
Using Seed 404, you will spawn at the mouth of a Lush Cave between two Lakes. While this seed is extremely beautiful, nearby are multiple Jungle Temples for you to loot. Therefore, this seed will be perfect if you want a substantial Jungle for Minecraft Survival.

In addition, around spawn is a Bamboo forest, making Bamboo collection easy.

Further west of the spawn, you will find a Minecraft Desert Biome containing a Desert Temple and a Savanna Village southwest.

Jungle Temple X: 8 Z: -328
Jungle Temple 2X: -152 Z: 184
Pillager OutpostX: -464 Z: -288
Desert TempleX: -696 Z: -136
VillageX: -496 Z: 336

Minecraft Jungle Seed 868565861386474240

A Minecraft Survival Island containing a Jungle Biome
Are you looking for the perfect Jungle Island Minecraft seed? Look no further than seed 868565861386474240. This seed will spawn you on your private island. One of the many biomes found on this island is the Jungle.

Unlike other Minecraft Jungle Island seeds, this seed provides multiple other Minecraft Biomes, such as the Forest Biome. This means you can farm other mobs and resources not found in a Jungle Biome.

Even better is the Stoney Peacks Biome which takes up the island's center. This makes finding resources on this Minecraft Survival Island, such as Iron and Coal, incredibly easy.

VillageX: -288 Z: 736
Ruined Portal X: -488 Z: 72

Minecraft Jungle Seed -453538453643

A Minecraft Jungle Temple seed
Get your shovels out; this next Jungle seed for Minecraft provides the best opportunity for loot. Minecraft Seed -453538453643 offers five Jungle Temples, five Ruined Portals, three Ancient Cities, three Ocean Monuments, and three Ship Wrecks, all in the same Jungle. Just south of the main Jungle, you will find plenty of Minecraft Villages and even a Pillager Outpost. There is even a Mooshroom Field Biome further west!

Check out the table below for a list of Minecraft Jungle Temple coordinates!

Jungle Temple 1X: -152 Z: 136
Jungle Temple 2X: 120 Z: 296
Jungle Temple 3X: 120 Z: 584
Jungle Temple 4X: 664 Z: 120
Jungle Temple 5X: 1,176 Z: 24
Ruined Portal 1X: -488 Z: 24
Ruined Portal 2X: 168 Z: 88
Ruined Portal 3X: 392 Z: 648
Ruined Portal 4X: 840 Z: 344
Ruined Portal 5X: 1,304 Z: 216
Ocean Monument 1X: 808 Z: -200
Ocean Monument 2X: 1,048 Z: -232
Ocean Monument 3X: -984 Z: 664
Shipwreck 1X: 568 Z: 24
Shipwreck 2X: -728 Z: 216
Shipwreck 3X: 1,448 Z: 136

Minecraft Jungle Seed 5432484329

A Minecraft Woodland Mansion near a Jungle Biome
Are you looking for a Woodland Mansion? Then, Minecraft Seed 5432484329 is the perfect Woodland Mansion Jungle Seed. While Woodland Mansions can not spawn in Jungle Biomes, this Seed features a Woodland Mansion right on its border.

Travel north a few hundred blocks from the spawn point until you find a Jungle Biome. Continue north, and eventually, you will encounter a Dark Forest Biome. There you will find the Woodland Mansion.

In addition, this seed includes three Jungle Tempels, which you can loot on your way to the mansion.

Woodland Mansion X: -744 Z: -872
Jungle Temple 1X: -296 Z: -504
Jungle Temple 2X: -312 Z: -904

Minecraft Jungle Seed -101056

A Minecraft Jungle Temple near a Mangrove Biome
One of the newest additions to Minecraft is the Mangrove Swamp Biome. You can read more about this Biome in our 1.19 article here. Minecraft Seed -101056 features a Mangrove Swamp for you to explore, surrounded by a Minecraft Jungle. In addition, two nearby Jungle Temples offer opportunities for loot, and a nearby Minecraft village will provide plenty of resources.

Jungle Temple 1X: -136 Z: -184
Jungle Temple 2X: 216 Z: 56
Village X: -240 Z: 96

Minecraft Jungle Seed -33400134526776547410

A Minecraft Jungle Temple near Spawn
Jungle Seed -33400134526776547410 is one of the best Jungle Temple Minecraft Seeds. Right after spawning, head southeast over a ridge, and you will find a Jungle Temple right at spawn. South of the Jungle, you will also find a massive Badlands Biome, giving you plenty of Minecraft Mineshafts to explore.

Jungle Temple X: 72 Z: 104
Ruined PortalX: 104 Z: 24

Minecraft Jungle Seed 6543467665436

A Minecraft Jungle Volcano with a Jungle Temple and Ruined Portal
This seed is perhaps the best seed for Jungles. Using the seed 6543467665436, you will find yourself on the eastern edge of a massive Jungle biome spanning thousands of blocks. One of the coolest features included in this Minecraft Seed is what looks like a Jungle Volcano that spawns right in the middle of the Biome. Undoubtedly inactive, you will find a Ruined Portal and Jungle Temple in the middle of this Volcano.

In addition, you will find four ancient cities and three additional Jungle Temples in this Jungle Biome.

Volcano World Generation X: -264 Z: 660
Jungle Temple 1X: -376 Z: 232
Jungle Temple 2X: -856 Z: 72
Jungle Temple 3X: -1,160 Z: 248
Jungle Temple 4X: -328 Z: 648
Ruined Portal X: -328 Z: 712
Ancient City 1X: -344 Y: -51 Z: 504
Ancient City 2X: -1,112 Y: -51 Z: 56
Ancient City 3X: -168 Y: -51 Z: 984
Ancient City 4X: -360 Y: -51 Z: 1,28
ShipwreckX: -888 Z: 888

Minecraft Jungle Seed 999876865787547486562334

A Pillager Outpost next to a Minecraft Jungle Biome
Minecraft Seed 999876865787547486562334 is a massive seed for a massive jungle. Spanning over 3,000 blocks long, this Jungle is populated with five Jungle Temples and more Ruined Portals than we can count.

In addition, this seed is the closest you will get to a Minecraft Jungle Village since Villages usually don't spawn in the Jungle Biome. At spawn, you will find a Village immediately to the west and a pillager outpost to the east. Finally, on the southern tip of the Jungle, a Plains Village borders right alongside the main Biome. These Minecraft Jungle Villages are perfect for survival resources!

Village 1X: -144 Z: 144
Village 2X: 672 Z: 688
Pillager OutpostX: 304 Z: 48
Jungle Temple 1X: 744 Z: -136
Jungle Temple 2X: 856 Z: 136
Jungle Temple 3X: 1,064 Z: -440
Jungle Temple 4X: 760 Z: 1,080
Jungle Temple 5X: 888 Z: -696

How to add a custom seed in Minecraft4

To add custom seeds in Minecraft, you will need to follow these four steps:
  1. Open Minecraft and click "Single Player" in the main menu
  2. Singleplayer button in the Minecraft main menu
  3. Click "Create New World" in the lower right corner
  4. Creating a new world in Minecraft
  5. Click on the "World" tab at the top
  6. World tab in Minecraft
  7. Input your desired seed into the "Seed for the World Generator" section, then click "Create New World" in the bottom right
  8. Input seed for a world in Minecraft

What are you waiting for? Start exploring these Jungle Minecraft Seeds on Java edition today! Want to check out more Minecraft Seeds? Head over to our Plains seeds article, where we show you 6 unique Minecraft Plains seeds.

Or, if you're ready for some adventure, find out the 5 Best Minecraft Mountain seeds here.

For the best Minecraft performance and experience while exploring these Minecraft seeds, we recommend using the Badlion Client, which has hundreds of Minecraft Mods and FPS Boosting features!
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