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Minecraft Abandoned Village

Find out everything you need to know about Abandoned Minecraft Villages
Minecraft Abandoned Village GuideArticle posted on September 13, 2024 - 12:40 PM
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Abandoned Villages in Minecraft are empty, deserted versions of the regular villages. First introduced in Java Edition 1.10 snapshot 16w20a, these villages are covered in cobwebs and have a spooky feel.

Though they look lifeless, Abandoned Villages offer a fun challenge and the chance to find hidden loot. Whether gathering resources or exploring, these villages add mystery and adventure to the Minecraft world.

Locating an Abandoned Village

To locate an Abandoned Village in Minecraft, players need to explore the world and search for villages, as abandoned ones generate randomly. These villages are rare and can be found in most biomes where regular villages appear, like plains, deserts, savannas, and taigas.

The chance of encountering an Abandoned Village is roughly 2%. This means that for every 50 villages you find, about 1 might be abandoned. Signs of an Abandoned Village include cobwebs, missing doors, and Zombie Villagers wandering around.

A Minecraft Abandoned Village

By using Badlion Client and our Mini Map mod, you can easily spot if a Village is abandoned or not, on the map you will see small white marks which are obviously cobwebs on these Abandoned Minecraft Village houses.

A Showcase of the Badlion Client Mini Map Mod

Differences Between Regular and Abandoned Villages

Regular Villages and Abandoned Villages may look similar at first, but there are some notable differences. In a Regular Village, players will find active villagers engaging in daily routines such as farming, trading, and sleeping. These villages are lively and functional, complete with working iron golems for protection.

Abandoned Villages are deserted and covered in cobwebs, creating a spooky atmosphere. They are populated only by Zombie Villagers, with no regular villagers present. These zombies can attack players but can also be cured with a potion of Weakness and a golden apple. Additionally, Abandoned Villages have damaged and decayed buildings, with missing doors and broken structures, giving them a run-down appearance compared to the well-maintained regular villages.

A Minecraft Zombie Villager

What can you do with Abandoned Villages in Minecraft?

Abandoned Villages offer various creative opportunities. You can restore them by cleaning up cobwebs, repairing buildings, and repopulating with villagers. Alternatively, transform them into fortified bases for defense or new outposts with farms and crafting stations. You could also use the village for adding a mysterious backstory, or incorporate its haunting atmosphere into a spooky-themed build.

Just like Jeracraft did in one of his videos that we will link down below!

Abandoned Villages offer unique challenges and opportunities in Minecraft. We hope future updates will add more features to these intriguing locations. For an enhanced gameplay experience, try downloading the Badlion Client to optimize and improve your Minecraft adventures. Enjoy exploring and restoring these mysterious villages!
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