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Minecraft Badlion Client vs Badlion Client Lite

Find out more about the new version of the Badlion Client called Badlion Client Lite!
Badlion Client vs. Badlion Client LiteArticle posted on September 3, 2022 - 04:00 PM
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Introducing Badlion Client Lite

Your favorite Minecraft Client just got even better. Explore your Minecraft world or play with your friends and benefit from our custom built FPS improvements, offering you the most lagless experience you have ever experienced on any Minecraft Client. We believe that customization matters because you should experience Minecraft your own way. Jump right into action and use our built-in and completely free mod library that features over one hundred Minecraft mods waiting to be discovered by you. Not only does the Badlion Client Lite come with the best Minecraft FPS and the Minecraft mods that you love, but also with a reworked UI. Not only did we make sure to add quality of life improvements, such as adding a "reset animation" button in the cosmetics menu, but we also simplified the UI. Arranging your modifications, or setting up Betterframes to your needs is as easy as it was ever before. Are you not convinced yet? Then make sure to keep on reading to find out more about the changes we made and about the differences between the Badlion Client that you are used to and the brand-new Badlion Client Lite.

BLCL Main Menu

Simplest User Interface

One of the most important things alongside the performance improvements, as well as the customizability that both the Badlion Client and Badlion Client Lite feature, is the User Interface. Upon launching the Badlion Client Lite, you are greeted with our reworked main menu. All the numerous buttons in the top-left-hand corner that you are used to from Badlion Client were removed. They were all replaced with one single button that, upon pressing, opens a new menu in which you can find everything that you need. We also make sure to continuously work on Badlion Client Lite and listen to the feedback that we get from you, so you can enjoy the best possible Minecraft experience.

The Brand New Mod Menu

The first major change that your eye will catch is the reworked mod menu.
You can jump right into customizing your Minecraft experience after loading into a singleplayer world or joining a server to play with your friends. All you have to do is press the "right-shift" button. This will open up the overhauled mod menu. Badlion Client Lite aims to deliver the most intuitive designed UI, and the mod menu is no exception. You can easily enable the Minecraft mods that you want to use, or disable the ones that you do not need. Do you want to further customize the different Minecraft mods? Sure thing! All you have to do is click on the mod that you want to customize, and you will be greeted with the settings menu. You may find some of your Minecraft mods missing but do not worry, they are all still built into the Badlion Client, completely free and ready to use. You just have to add your favorite Minecraft mods from the built-in mod library section ("Add Mods" button). Keep on reading to find out how to add mods to the Badlion Client Lite.

BLCL mod menu

The Badlion Client Lite Settings Menu

The mod menu is not the only menu that we improved. Take a look at our brand-new Settings menu. The sections that you can find on the Badlion Client were moved to the left side to make navigating much easier and more convenient. And to make things even better, we now use the mod menu layout that you love for our settings. Are you not getting enough FPS? Then open the settings section on the left-hand side and press the "Betterframes" button.

BLCL Improved Betterframes Menu
BLCL Improved Betterframes Menu
Do you want to customize your Insider nametag? Then all you have to do is open the Insider section on the left-hand side of the menu. All of the other important UI elements, such as toggle buttons, sliders, and more, were reworked as well and look better than ever! You don't believe us? Try it out for yourself for free today!

BLCL settings menu

GUI Editor

The Badlion Client features a GUI Editor that can be accessed via the pen icon button in the mod menu. With Badlion Client Lite, you no longer have to search for that button. Did you just enable your favorite Minecraft mod and would like to reposition it? Simply hover with your mouse over the mod and drag it to wherever you would like it to be. Do you want to open the settings of a mod? You can now do so via the cog-wheel icon in the bottom left-hand corner. You can even go ahead and remove a mod that you no longer use by pressing the red cross in the bottom right-hand corner. It is as simple and convenient as it sounds.

Customize Your Character With Cosmetics

The Badlion Client and the Badlion Client Lite feature the biggest variety of cosmetics any Minecraft Client offers, so you can customize your Minecraft account and stick out! Any cosmetics that you purchase for the Badlion Client will also be available on Badlion Client Lite. All of the Badlion Client Lite menus come in the same size and shape, and the Badlion Client Lite cosmetics menu is no exception. This means that you no longer have to open a full menu that distracts you from your gameplay just to adjust your cosmetics. Instead, Badlion Client Lite now features a window that is the same size as the mod menu so you can adjust your cosmetics on the go as conveniently as it has never been before. The cosmetics menu on the Badlion Client Lite now also features a reset button, while the Badlion Client only has a button to play an animation. Another quality of life improvement so you can have the best Minecraft experience possible.

BLCL cosmetics menu

Adding Mods

We earlier mentioned that you might be missing some of your favorite Minecraft mods when you use the Badlion Client Lite for the first time. But do not worry. All of the Minecraft mods that the Badlion Client offers are also available on the Badlion Client Lite, but with a small twist. You do not have to compromise on anything, and can still use your favorite mods on top of all the improvements we made. Did you forget the name of your favorite Minecraft mod? Then you previously had to scroll through all the Minecraft mods that you do not even want to use just to find your favorite Minecraft mod in between. With Badlion Client Lite, this is no longer an issue. By default, the Badlion Client Lite mod menu features the most popular Minecraft mods, but you can add any Minecraft mods that you would like to use from our in-built and free mod library using the "Add Mods" button in the top right-hand corner. You don't even have to restart Minecraft. All you have to do is press "Add" in the bottom right-hand corner of the Minecraft mod, and it will automatically be added to the Badlion Client Lite mod menu. And if you decide that you do not like a Minecraft mod that you previously added to the mod menu, then you can remove it by pressing the trashcan icon in the bottom right-hand corner.

BLCL Add Mods

Badlion Client or Badlion Client Lite?

Are you searching for the best Minecraft Client? The Badlion Client Lite features a lot of improvements, such as the GUI improvements that we mentioned earlier in this blog article, and also the best Minecraft FPS out of any Minecraft Client that there is. All of these aim to enhance your Minecraft experience to ensure that you can have the best Minecraft experience any Minecraft Client can offer. We strongly recommend you to try out the Badlion Client Lite, especially if you are not familiar with Minecraft Clients yet, as it aims to make everything much simpler and more convenient. And all of these improvements do not bring any cost with them. You can use the Badlion Client Lite for free and enjoy your favorite Minecraft mods without having to go through the hassle of downloading Minecraft mods or updating Minecraft mods. So, what are you waiting for? Download the Badlion Client Launcher and jump right into the action with the best Minecraft Client, and experience all these amazing changes for yourself!
Badlion Client
Want to enhance your Minecraft with the highest FPS, boosted frames, and over 100 mods — Why wait? Download it now for free!