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Minecraft Cow

Learn everything you need to know about these Minecraft animals
A guide to the Minecraft Cow Article posted on September 12, 2024 - 09:30 AM
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The Minecraft Cow is one of the game's classic passive mobs, introduced all the way back in the Alpha version of Minecraft. Since its addition, the Cow has become a key part of the game, providing essential resources like milk, leather, and beef.

Over the years, Cows have remained one of the most recognizable and useful animals in the game. From early-game survival to large-scale farming, Minecraft Cows play a crucial role in ensuring players have a steady supply of food and materials.

Where to find Minecraft Cows?

Minecraft Cows are commonly found in grassy overworld biomes, making them one of the easiest passive mobs to encounter. They typically spawn in groups of 2-3 in biomes like:

  • Plains
  • Sunflower Plains
  • Forest
  • Meadow

Cows can also occasionally be found wandering near villages, especially in fenced areas or around farms. Baby cows, or calves, can spawn alongside adult cows but do not drop any loot until they grow up.

Minecraft Cows in the Plains biome

What do Cows eat in Minecraft?

Minecraft Cows primarily eat Wheat. To feed a Cow, simply hold a piece of Wheat in your hand and right-click on the Cow. Feeding a baby Cow will speed up its growth, helping it mature faster.

Wheat can be easily farmed by planting Seeds, which you can gather from breaking tall grass in most grassy biomes. Villages often have Wheat farms, making it even easier to get access to this food source for your Cows in Minecraft.

What do Cows eat in Minecraft

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How to breed Cows in Minecraft?

To breed Minecraft Cows, you will need two adult Cows and two pieces of Wheat. First, make sure you have some Wheat in your inventory, which can be easily farmed or found in village crop fields.

Once you have the Wheat, right-click on each adult Cow while holding the Wheat. Heart particles will appear above the Cows, showing they have entered 'love mode.' After a moment, a baby Cow will spawn between them. Baby Cows take a few minutes to grow into adults, and their growth can be sped up by feeding them Wheat.

But how long do baby cows take to grow Minecraft? The baby cow takes about 20 minutes to grow up into an adult.

Minecraft Cow Breeding

What can you do with Cows in Minecraft?

Raw Beef & Leather

When you kill a Minecraft Cow, it can drop Raw Beef and Leather, along with some XP. Raw Beef can be cooked in a furnace or smoker to create Steak, which is one of the most nutritious food items in the game, restoring a significant amount of hunger. Leather, on the other hand, is a valuable crafting material used to make armor, books, and item frames. You can also trade Leather with leatherworker villagers in exchange for emeralds.


In addition to their drops, Cows can be milked. To milk a Cow, simply use a bucket and right-click on the Cow. Milk is incredibly useful as it removes all status effects, both positive and negative, making it essential for clearing negative effects like poison or weakness. Milk is also an ingredient used in crafting Cake, a food item that players can share or use as decoration.

Overall, Cows provide players with vital resources like food, crafting materials, and even a way to manage status effects, making them one of the most useful mobs in Minecraft.

Minecraft Cow Drops

With that said, we have covered everything you need to know about Cows in Minecraft. To take your Minecraft experience to the next level, consider checking out Badlion Client. It comes with built-in mods and performance-boosting features to ensure a smoother, more enjoyable gameplay experience.
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