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The Minecraft Crafter

Everything that you need to know to use the Minecraft Crafter
Everything You Need to Know About the Minecraft CrafterArticle posted on August 21, 2024 - 06:05 PM
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Minecraft is a game all about creativity and building, and each update adds something new and exciting. One of the latest additions is the Minecraft Crafter , introduced in the 1.20.3 Snapshot and set to be fully released in the 1.21 update. This block is a big deal for players who love automation and Redstone, as it lets you automate crafting in ways never before possible in vanilla Minecraft.

What Does the Minecraft Crafter Do?

The Minecraft Crafter is like an automatic crafting table. It lets you set up crafting recipes that can be made automatically when you use a Redstone signal. This means you can make lots of items without crafting each one by hand, which is super helpful for big builds, farms, and complex Redstone machines.

The Minecraft Auto Crafter

How to Make the Minecraft Crafter?

To craft the Crafter Block, you need the following items:

  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Crafting Table
  • 1 Dropper
  • 2 Redstone Dust

  • Making the Crafter in Minecraft can be heavy on resources, but once you have gathered all the materials that you need place everything in the crafting table like shown in the picture below:

    The Minecraft Auto Crafter crafting recipe

    How Does the Crafter Work in Minecraft?

    Input and Output

    Item Input: You can feed items into the Minecraft Auto Crafter using hoppers or other containers. This makes it easy to connect with automated systems that supply the Crafter with raw materials.

    Item Output: The Auto Crafter automatically outputs the crafted items once they’re ready. These items can go into another hopper, chest, or container for storage or further use.

    The Minecraft Crafter automated system

    Basic Functionality

    Automated Crafting: The Crafter Block lets you automate crafting. Once you set a recipe, it will craft items automatically whenever it gets a Redstone signal. This is great for farms or systems where you need to keep crafting without stopping.

    Recipe Setting: To set a recipe, put the needed items into the Crafter’s interface, just like a regular Crafting Table. The Crafter will remember the recipe, and it will craft the item whenever it has the materials and gets a Redstone signal.

    Redstone Activation: The Crafter needs a Redstone signal to start crafting. Any Redstone signal, like from a lever, button, or Redstone clock, will make the Crafter start working on the recipe you’ve set.

    The Minecraft Auto Crafter output

    Slot Toggling

    Toggling Slots: The Crafter in Minecraft lets you turn off certain slots in the crafting grid. This is useful for recipes that don’t use the entire 3x3 grid, making sure only the needed slots are used and preventing mistakes.

    The Minecraft Crafter enabling and disabling crafting slots

    Integration with Other Systems

    Redstone Integration: The Crafter works well with Redstone systems, allowing you to create fully automated crafting setups. This includes working with Redstone clocks for continuous crafting, item sorters for directing output, and more.

    Container Compatibility: The Minecraft Crafter can connect to different container blocks like chests, hoppers, and droppers. This lets you set up advanced automation where raw materials are fed in, crafted, and then stored or sent to other machines.

    The Minecraft Crafter is a powerful new block that makes automation easier and more efficient. Whether you are using it in simple farms or complex Redstone machines, it opens up new possibilities for creativity and efficiency in the game. Learning how to set it up, activate it, and integrate it with other systems is key to making the most of this block.

    With that being said we have covered everything you need to know about the Minecraft Crafter, if you struggle with keeping up with all the new recipes we suggest you to check out Badlion Client and use our Just Enough Items mod, it has all Minecraft crafting recipes at one place!
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