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Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w12a

Everything you need to know about the first official Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot
Everything new in the Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w12aArticle posted on April 3, 2023 - 08:00 PM
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The first official Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot article has been released recently and introduces a completely new structure for you to explore, a new Redstone component, new armor trims, and much more. Keep reading to find out about everything you should not miss out on.

New Minecraft Structure: Trail Ruins

Archeology is one of the highly anticipated features that Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w12a is improving even further by introducing a completely new structure. You can now find the Trail Ruins near oceans, seas, or bodies of water. However, this structure has a unique twist. When exploring your Minecraft world and trying to find some trail ruins, you will only see the top of the structure sticking out above the surface, while the main part of the structure will remain underground. This means that you must dig through the ruins and use your brush to collect various new stuff, such as the new pottery shards.

Minecraft Trail Ruins Structure

16 new Minecraft Pottery Shards and 5 new Armor Trims

There are now 16 more Minecraft pottery shards waiting to be found by you. This means that as of Snapshot 23w12a, you will be able to find a total of 20 Minecraft pottery shards. Some of these are hidden in the new trail ruins structure that we just now covered.

And that is not everything; there are now 5 more Armor Trims available for you to choose from and apply to your armor. Four of which can be found in the trail ruins. The fifth one can be found in ancient cities. You can find an in-depth guide on armor trims, as well as a useful chart that includes all currently available armor trims in our recently released guide:

Minecraft 4 New Armor Trims

Sniffer Eggs are now obtainable, and Suspicious Gravel now generates

Minecraft Sniffer eggs can now be obtained from suspicious sand in warm ocean ruins. However, when breeding Sniffers using Torchflower seeds, you can also obtain the sniffer egg, which you can then hatch to get a snifflet. And if you want to, you can speed up the hatching process by placing the egg on top of a moss block.

Minecraft Snapshot Sniffer Egg
Warm ocean ruins are, however, not the only ones to get new content. Cold ocean ruins now generate suspicious gravel, whose characteristics are the same as suspicious sand.

Minecraft Warm Ocean Ruin

Pitcher Pod and Pitcher Plant can now be obtained

Sniffer will now dig up pitcher pods from time to time, which you can then plant in farmland to grow into a pitcher plant. This can then be put in any crafting menu to obtain a cyan dye.

Minecraft 1.20 Pitcher Pod and Pitcher Flower

You can now edit your Sign Text

This has definitely been a long-awaited Minecraft feature. Instead of having to break a sign and then place it down back again to change the message, you can just click the sign and adjust the message. If you want to keep your message permanently, then you can use a honeycomb on it to wax it, which will then disallow the sign to be edited. If you want to edit the sign after using a honeycomb on it, you will have to break it.
And that is not even the best part. You can now write on both sides of the sign. This is especially useful when using hanging signs, as you are now no longer limited to one side of the sign.

Minecraft 1.20 Editable Signs

You can now transmit Redstone Signals wireless with Calibrated Sculk Sensors

Calibrated sculk sensors can detect sounds and then, based on the frequency, emit redstone signals. If you set up your calibrated sculk sensor only to detect sounds with a frequency of 2, it will not pick up any sounds outside the range of that frequency.

Minecraft 1.20 Calibrated Sculk Sensor
If you were to set up your calibrated sculk sensor so that it only detects your walking sound, it would not detect the sound of you placing a block.
And there is even more that you can do with this Redstone block. You can place an amethyst block right next to it, then place one further away and repeat the process to wirelessly transmit redstone signals through sound, which you have to translate back into redstone signals once it reaches its designated destination.

Minecraft 1.20 Using Sound To Transport Redstone Signal

And there is even more for you to explore!

These have been the most important things regarding the first official Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot 23w12a. Badlion Client features all the newest Minecraft versions from day one and also offers more than 100 Minecraft mods for you to use without having to wait for any updates. You can download the Badlion Client here:
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