Minecraft Beds are pretty dull, but with these 5 Minecraft bed designs, you can spruce up your bedroom! Whether you want a minimalist, modern, or rustic design, you will find something to fit your design needs. Keep reading to transform the way you sleep in Minecraft!
Table of Contents- #1 Bunk Bed / Desk - by BlueNerd
- #2 Mini Bunk Bed - by Eli's Art
- #3 Modern Bed Design - by Lomby
- #4 Minimalistic Bed - by BBlocks
- #5 Grand Bed - by Red Golem
#1 Minecraft Bunk Bed and Desk Combo by BlueNerd

Many Minecraft Bedroom designs include both a bed and a desk, so why not combine them into one piece of furniture? That is precisely what this Minecraft bed design achieves, all within a minimal footprint. This bed design for Minecraft includes a double Minecraft bed atop a spacious but cozy Minecraft desk. Ladders along the left side of the structure allow players to access the bed easily.
If you want to build this bed design in your world,
check out BlueNerd's video guide here. To complete this design, you will need the following Minecraft items:
Item | Quantity |
Barrel | 4x |
Ladder | 4x |
Bookshelf | 6x |
Oak Trapdoor | 16x |
Spruce Trapdoor | 6x |
Bed | 2x |
Oak Slab | 3x |
Spruce Slab | 1x |
Lantern | 1x |
Flower Pot | 1x |
Signs | 3x |
Wool | 2x |
#2 Mini Minecraft Bunk Bed Design by Eli' Art

Looking for an even smaller Minecraft bed design? This Minecraft bed designed by Eli's Art is highly compact, yet includes all the essentials.
You will find a barrel and lectern on the lower level, making up a small but compact desk. To the right of the desk, a ladder provides access to the upper level, which offers a single bed and barrel. This design looks cool and provides ample storage space for personal items in barrels.
To build this design in your next Minecraft survival home,
check out Eli's Art's how to video, and make sure to gather the following items in Minecraft:
Item | Quanity |
Barrel | 4x |
Ladder | 2x |
Spruce Trapdoor | 7x |
Lectern | 1x |
Item Frame | 2x |
Sign | 2x |
Flowering Azalea | 2x |
Soul Launturn | 1x |
Bed | 1x |
#3 Modern Minecraft Bed Design by Lomby

If you have the resources at your disposal, this modern bed design created by Lomby is unique and impressive. The design consists of quartz blocks, adding a modern twist to your bedroom.
In the center of the design are two black double beds. Around them, a mixture of quartz slabs and stairs extends the bed, creating a more robust bed design. While your bed will look fancy, this simple design will fit nicely in most houses.
For building this Minecraft bed,
follow Lomby's bed design tutorial here , and have the following materials on hand:
Item | Quantity |
Quartz Slab | 14x |
Quartz Stair | 8x |
Quartz Block | 4x |
Bookshelf | 8x |
Flower Pot | 2x |
Iron Trap Doors | 2x |
Bed | 2x |
#4 Minecraft Minimalsitc Bed Design by BBlocks

This Minecraft bed design is perfect for those on a budget or with little space. With a footprint of only 2 by 3 blocks, it will fit into most Minecraft bedrooms, no matter how small your house is. Yet, the design still enhances the default Minecraft beds by adding three-dimensional pillows.
To build this bed design in Minecraft, start by placing two beds down. One block past the pillow side of the bed, dig a one-block deep trench and place two banners of your choice standing upright. Finally, cover the top of the trench at bed level with two quartz stairs, and you will have a complete Minecraft bed design.
If you would like,
you can follow the BBlocks video here, which shows an in-depth guide about how to build this design. Only the following Minecraft items are required:
Item | Quantity |
Bed | 2x |
Banner | 2x |
Quartz Stair | 2x |
#5 Grand Minecraft Bed Design by Red Golem

This Minecraft bed Design by Red Golem provides a robust Minecraft bed that will impress anybody touring your house in Minecraft. This bed design forms a wooden frame around a double Minecraft bed.
Red banners draped on each side of the design create a separation. A lantern is provided for lighting and hangs right above the double bed. This design by Red Golem is perfect for medieval or forest-themed builds.
Building this design is simpler than it seems, and it can be accomplished in a matter of minutes
by following Red Golem's video here. Before beginning the building process, we recommend gathering the following items which you will need:
Item | Quantity |
Spruce Planks | 10x |
Spruce Slabs | 8x |
Spruce Fence | 8x |
Spruce Fence Gate | 6x |
Spruce Stairs | 4x |
Spruce Trapdoors | 20x |
Red Banner | 6x |
Quartz Stairs | 2x |
Lantern | 1x |
Bed | 2x |
These five Minecraft bed designs will improve your bed space in Minecraft. If you plan to use these designs in Minecraft survival, we recommend
downloading Badlion Client, which includes countless Minecraft survival mods in a single download.
Check out our Minecraft survival mods article, where you can learn how to use these Minecraft mods in your survival world!