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2025 Minecraft Mods

Here are five Minecraft mods to try in 2025
2025 Minecraft ModsArticle posted on December 31, 2024 - 10:00 PM
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Are you looking to give Minecraft a new look with Minecraft mods? Here are 5 Minecraft mods that will significantly enhance your gameplay in 2025. From information mods to new features, there is something for everyone! 

Table of Contents: 

  • Minimap Mod
  • 3D Skins Mod
  • Fullbright Mod
  • Keystrokes Mod
  • Weather Changer Mod

Where to get Minecraft mods

To get Minecraft mods, including all the mods showcased in this article, download Badlion Client here. Badlion Client is an all-in-one mod pack that includes many mods that enhance your gameplay. The best thing about Badlion Client is that you can get it up and running with a single download. This means you no longer need to handle multiple files and launchers to get a Minecraft mod to work. It also lets you instantly play with your favorite mods without worrying about compatibility issues!

Minimap Mod

The minimap mod in Minecraft adds a miniature map of your surroundings anywhere on your screen. This is great for survival, as it can easily display any structures or biomes around you, increasing your situational awareness. 

Minimap mod in Minecraft

 In addition to a small map, the minimap mod also allows you to save a history of chunks you have been in, creating a more extensive “fullmap” 

Fullmap Minecraft map

3D Skins Minecraft Mod

The 3D skins Minecraft mod adds a minor but satisfying graphical enhancement. Typically, Minecraft skin has two layers. If part of the second layer is transparent, then part of your skin will appear floating. The 3D skins mod fixes this by connecting the textures between the first and second layers.

Fullbright Minecraft Mod

Many players would consider the fullbright Minecraft mod to be essential. Typically, if there are few light sources or it is nighttime, areas in Minecraft will appear dark. This makes it hard to see and navigate your Minecraft world. The fullbright Minecraft mod changes this by making everything in your world bright as if it were daytime. Even if you are deep underground or underwater, you won’t need torches as the fullbright mod has you covered.

Keystrokes Minecraft Mod 

The keystrokes mod in Minecraft adds a graphical representation of the keys pressed on your keyboard. This isn’t just an aesthetically pleasing feature; it can help you with certain PvP elements. For example, if you are speed bridging to cross a large void, the keystrokes mod can help you keep a rhythm. In addition, you can easily see your clicks per second for both your right and left mouse buttons!

The keystrokes mod in Minecraft

Weather Changer Minecraft Mod

Imagine playing survival without worrying about rain or snow, making it hard to see and decreasing your performance. This is possible with the weather changer Minecraft mod. You can instantly control the weather, making it rain, snow, or clear. In addition, you can change settings for precipitation, such as the strength of rain, lightning, and even the color of rain/snow particles. 

The weather changer mod working in Minecraft

Forever change the way you play Minecraft by using these five Minecraft mods! Get started by downloading Badlion Client today. If you would like to learn more about the mods included in Badlion Client, check out our Minecraft Mods article here

Badlion Client
Want to enhance your Minecraft with the highest FPS, boosted frames, and over 100 mods — Why wait? Download it now for free!