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A Minecraft Villager Trading Guide

Learn all there is to know about trading with Minecraft Villagers
A Minecraft Villager Trading GuideArticle posted on May 16, 2023 - 03:00 PM
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If you have a Minecraft survival world, you need to learn about villager trading in Minecraft. You have probably heard of the Minecraft villager trading mechanic. This mechanic allows you to obtain certain items and goods by trading.

This article will show you how to optimize every step of this process. From creating a villager breeder to villager trading hall designs, you will learn everything you need about villager trading in Minecraft.

How to trade with villagers in Minecraft

To trade with villagers in Minecraft, you should first find a villager with your desired occupation. If you are looking for a good Minecraft village to trade in, check out our Minecraft Village Seed article, where we show you 8 terrific seeds for Minecraft Villages. There are 13 main villager occupations in Minecraft:

  1. Armorer: provides armor trades. Will trade diamonds, iron, and coal for emeralds.
  2. Farmer: provides a food source. Will trade crops for emeralds.
  3. Leatherworker: provides leather armor, saddles, and horse armor. Will trade leather and flint for emeralds.
  4. Fisherman: provides fish and fishing rods. Will trade coal, fish, and string for emeralds.
  5. Librarian: provides enchantments. Will trade paper and books for emeralds.
  6. Shephard: provides wool and dye. Will trade wool and dye for emeralds.
  7. Toolsmith: provides tools. Trades coal, iron, and diamonds for emeralds.
  8. Butcher: provides raw meat. Will trade chicken, pork, and steak for emeralds.
  9. Cleric: provides redstone, lapis, glowstone, and ender pearls. Trades rotten flesh and gold for emeralds.
  10. Cartographer: provides paper and item frames. Will trade paper and glass for emeralds.
  11. Weaponsmith: provides weapons. Trades coal, iron, and diamonds for emeralds.
  12. Fletcher: provides arrows, bows, and crossbows. Will trade sticks, flint, and string for emeralds.
  13. Mason: provides clay bricks and other mason-related blocks. Will trade clay for emeralds.

To trade with these villagers, go up to your desired occupation type, and right-click on them. You will then see some of their trades.

Minecraft Villager Trading Menu
However, in order to unlock more trades for different items, you will need to trade with the villager to level it up.

If you can not find a naturally occurring villager with the occupation you desire. You can take a villager with no occupation and place one of the following blocks next to it, which will change its occupation.

OccupationBlock to Place
FletcherFletching Table
ArmorerBlast Furnace
CartographerCartography Table
ClericBrewing Stand
ToolsmithSmithing Table
Stone MasonStonecutter

Once you change a villager's occupation, you can check its trades by clicking on it. If you do not like its trades, do not trade with it! You are able to reset the villager's trade by removing the occupation block used to change the villager.

Once removed, wait for the villager to become unemployed, then place the occupation block again. You will find a completely new set of trades.

If you find a set of Minecraft villager trades that you like, trade with the villager immediately so the trades don't reset!

How to build a Minecraft villager breeder

While trading with villagers is easy, Minecraft Villages only have a limited number of unemployed villagers. This means you will need a large source of villagers to make profitable and reliable trades.

Thankfully, like any other animal mob in Minecraft, there are breeding mechanics for Minecraft villagers. However, the breeding process is more complicated than other mobs and requires a special Minecraft villager breeder for automatic villager breeding. This section will show you how to create a simple Minecraft villager breeder for trading.

Start by making a 7x7 patch of dirt. Break the center block, and place a water bucket to irrigate the dirt. On top of the water, place a composting bin. This will be used to change the villager's occupation.

You will also want to place a block on the composter to prevent the villagers from trampling the crops. To light the area, we recommend using a glowstone block.

Once finished, you can plant crops on the 7x7 dirt patch. We recommend using carrots for this, as they are easy to get. Build walls around the patch to ensure the villagers are completely protected from hostile mobs.

Minecraft Villager Breeder Design
The final step in creating a villager breeder in Minecraft is to add beds and a way for villagers to be collected. Start by making a hole in the wall of the breeder. Add a trap door against the dirt block and a trap one atop the opening. Add three Minecraft beds in the pattern below, one block away from the hole.

Minecraft Villager Breeder Bed Pattern
Baby villagers will drop where the bottom trapdoor connects to the dirt. Dig a tunnel with water to carry the villagers away. You must make the villager transportation tunnel long enough to carry villagers out of the same chunk as the main breeder. This is important because the villager breeder will stop working if too many villagers are in the same chunk.

When building the Minecraft villager breeder, you will also want to consider the location. Villagers will be transported below the villager breeder, so unless you intend on making a villager elevator, you should build the breeder above wherever you want to keep the villagers (e.g., a villager trading hall).

Minecraft villager trading hall designs

Do you have a steady supply of villagers but need an efficient way to trade with them? If that's the case, check out this extremely efficient and easy-to-make Minecraft villager trading hall design.

The main purpose of a trading hall in Minecraft is to move villagers from a breeder to a permanent location and change their occupation as painlessly as possible. A basic villager breeder will have three main parts.
  1. A way to transport villagers
  2. A way to change the villager's profession easily
  3. A way to remove the villagers
In addition to the above, some villager trading halls include a way to turn a normal villager into a zombie villager (through the use of a zombie) so that you can heal them. Healing a zombie villager lowers the prices of the trades, making this feature a great economical choice.

Minecraft Villager Trading Hall Design
To start, make a one-block wide, 2 blocks tall trench. This trench will run the entire length of the villager trading hall, so make it as long as the trading hall. For this design, we recommend making the trading hall 5-8 villager stations long, which equates to 11-17 blocks long.

For every other block, break one block towards the front of the trading hall, and dig one block down. Place a piston and a trap door, as shown in the image below.

In addition, place two redstone dust from the piston underneath the floor, leading to a lever. In the end, each villager station should look like the following:

Minecraft Villager Trading Hall Side View
Two blocks above the piston, you will want to create a channel for the villagers to walk to their stations. Above each station, place a trapdoor flush with the floor of this channel. A villager will see and walk toward an empty station when a trapdoor opens. Once the villager has entered the station, you can close the trapdoor above their head.

Make sure that when the occupation block (e.g., lectern, smithing table, etc.) is removed, there is only a three-block gap to prevent villagers from escaping. You can place a second trapdoor above the occupation block to do this.

Finally, you will need a way to transport the villagers easily. We recommend using a rail system that leads from your villager breeder to the channel above the village stations. You can make this system partially automatic by adding a hopper and cactus to break the minecart and offload the villager into the channel. A setup similar to the one depicted below will work.

Minecraft Villager Trading Minecart System
If you would like, you can also place a zombie in the original tench behind the villager stations. If you want to infect a villager, pull the piston lever, and the villager will drop in the range of the zombie. Be careful, since villagers can die from this process unless you are in hard mode. You will also want to name the zombie with a name tag so it does not despawn.

To cure the villager after it is infected, follow this tutorial:

With the power of Minecraft villager trading, anything is possible in survival. Reap the benefits of this mechanic by using the structures and information in this article. For more survival tips, check out our beginners' guide, or if you are looking for good survival mods, check out our Minecraft Survival Mods article.
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