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Top Minecraft Servers with Dropper and Strategies to Win

Learn about the top three Minecraft Dropper servers and strategies
All about the Minecraft Dropper game modeArticle posted on April 5, 2023 - 05:00 PM
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Not only is Minecraft Dropper one of the most popular game modes and maps, but it is also one of the oldest. This article will showcase everything you need to know to start playing Minecraft Dropper, including the top Minecraft servers with Dropper as a game mode, strategies to beat every Dropper map, and information on the maps themselves.

What is Minecraft Dropper?

The Dropper in Minecraft is a popular game mode and, or map where the players freefall through obstacles with the goal of landing safely in a pool of water or other fall-arresting blocks. A player is considered the winner when they have completed all Dropper levels. Each level usually consists of three parts:
  1. The drop hole/lobby
  2. Minecraft Dropper start/lobby
  3. The obstacles
  4. Obstacles found throughout Minecraft Dropper Maps
  5. The bottom/exit portal
  6. The exit portal/landing zone for Dropper Maps in Minecraft

At the start of the game, players must reach the bottom of the level successfully without dying. Once they have done so, they may proceed to the next level. If they hit an obstacle and take fall damage, they will respawn at the start of the level.

How to play the Dropper in Minecraft

There are two ways to start playing the Dropper in Minecraft.
  • User Created Minecraft Maps
  • Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Dropper Maps created by users are nice because you can play on them privately, whenever and wherever you want. However, they are limited in that it becomes complicated to play with friends. For this reason, the best way to play the Dropper in Minecraft is on a Minecraft server, which allows you to play the Dropper in multiplayer for completely free, as long as you have an internet connection.

Continue reading to see the Minecraft servers with Dropper.

Top 3 Minecraft Dropper Servers

Here are the top 3 Minecraft servers with Dropper as a game mode in 2023. To join any of these servers, click on the multiplayer tab on Minecraft, then click "Add Server." Copy and paste the desired IP listed in this article into the "Server Address" field, then click "Done."

Hypixel - IP:

The Hypixel Network as a Minecraft server with Dropper
Hands down, Hypixel is the largest Minecraft server in the history of Minecraft. With hundreds of game modes and mini-games, the network attracts hundreds of thousands of players on a daily basis. But did you know that Hypixel now has a Dropper game mode?

With 32 unique maps, Hypixel will keep you well immersed in the Minecraft Dropper game mode. You can vote for three of the 32 Minecraft Dropper maps at the game's start. Following this, you will play through five of the most-voted maps, each gaining in difficulty. The first player to complete all five levels is deemed the winner.

To access this game mode, go to Hypixel's prototype lobby, then visit the "Dropper" NPC.

Best Minecraft Dropper Maps on Hypixel

Don't know what map to vote for? Here are the best Dropper Minecraft Maps on Hypixel that we recommend you try out.

#1 Balloons

Hypixel's Ballons Minecraft Dropper map

#2 Factory

Hypixel's Factory Minecraft Dropper map

#3 BBQ

Hypixel's BBQ Minecraft Dropper map

Advancius - IP:

Minecraft Dropper server advancius

The Advancius network is a moderately sized server that offers a comprehensive Minecraft Dropper experience. Rather than having multiple rounds where you compete against other players, this Dropper Minecraft server has individual maps to play against yourself. With this said, you can still play with friends with the /join {player name} command.

Advancius offers 36 maps of a variety of difficulties. Despite the lower player count, Advancius is worth checking out.

Tallcraft - IP:

The Tallcraft Minecraft Dropper server

The Tallcraft server is unlike any Minecraft Dropper server you will come across. With 35 uniquely designed maps, the Tallcraft server offers an authentic Minecraft Dropper experience reminiscent of the original Minecraft Dropper map. In addition, while they feature classic Dropper maps, they also include more story-based maps that take a ground-up approach (literally).

Ready to feel some nostalgia? Hop on in any version above 1.16, and start playing the Dropper today!

Strategies for winning the Dropper in Minecraft

Here are three strategies you can use to easily complete any Dropper map in Minecraft.

Use a low FOV value
One of the easiest ways to improve on any Minecraft Dropper maps is to use a low FOV. This gives you an extremely zoomed-in view, giving you more time to position yourself for landing in water or dodging tight obstacles.

To change your FOV in Minecraft, go to MC Settings and adjust the "FOV" slider at the top of your screen. However, you probably don't want to have your FOV always set to a low value. A solution to this is the Zoom Minecraft Mod, which allows you to instantly change your zoom level (As well as FOV) with the click of a button.

The easiest way to use the Zoom mod in-game is with Badlion Client. Once downloaded, you can find and enable the Zoom mod, then set a key bind for the Zoom action.

Avoid hitting obstacles from the side
You definitely do not want to hit obstacles from the top (otherwise, you will take fall damage), but you also don't want to hit them from the side (rub up against them). This is because maps usually require you to use horizontal momentum to move and dodge obstacles. When you hit an obstacle from the side, you cancel out this momentum, which means you will move slower.

Ultimately, while you will not be penalized for hitting an obstacle from the side, it will make it harder for you to move and dodge further obstacles.

If you are stuck on a level, try a different path
Most Dropper maps will include multiple ways to dodge obstacles and get to the bottom safely. If you are stuck on a level, change it up. Try a different angle of entry or orientation. A small change may be all you need to pass a crux.

What are you waiting for? Give yourself a new challenge and try the Minecraft Dropper game mode today! With the tips and tricks found in this article, you now have the tools to dominate any Dropper map in Minecraft.
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