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Useful Mods For Minecraft

Discover your five new favorite Minecraft mods to enhance your Minecraft experience
Five Minecraft Mods You Never Heard of but Are Actually UsefulArticle posted on February 3, 2023 - 05:00 PM
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Ready to enhance your Minecraft mod profile? In this article, we will be going over five extremely helpful mods for Minecraft that will provide several useful features but are often overlooked by many users. Whether you are a competitive Minecraft PvP player, Survival user, or Creative builder, there is a mod in this list for you. Continue reading to see how you can enhance your Minecraft experience!

All of the Minecraft mods featured in this article are available for free using the Badlion Client. Being one of the most extensive Minecraft mod packs/clients, Badlion Client is the best way to follow along with this article. You can download Badlion Client for free today by going to this link and following the relevant instructions.

#1 Damage Tint Minecraft Mod

For Minecraft PvP and Survival players, the Damage Tint Minecraft mod will quickly become your new best friend. Anyone who has been in a PvP/PvE fight will know that battles can become quite intense. In the heat of the fight, losing track of your health is easy. The Minecraft Damage Tint Mod helps prevent this by giving you a visual and audio warning when your health has decreased to a predetermined level. After your first time using the Damage Tint Mod, your PvP strategies will immediately change for the better!

Damage Tint Mod for Minecraft

How to use the Damage Tint Mod

To start using the Damage Tint mod with Badlion Client, open the Minecraft Mod Menu using the right-shift key. Once open, use the search bar in the top right corner to search for the "Damage Tint" mod. You should see the Damage Tint mod appear, at which point you can click the toggle button displayed under the mod icon. Once enabled, the Damage Tint mod will start to work.

Install Damage Tint Mod for Minecraft
You can use a few settings with the Damage Tint mod, the first of which is the damage threshold percent. This sliding bar controls how much damage it takes for the Damage Tint mod to display visual and auditory warnings. For example, having the threshold percentage set to a low value, such as 10%, means that the mod will be activated when only 10% of your full health is remaining. The higher you set this setting, the more sensitive the Damage Tint mod will be to damage.

The second option included in the Damage Tint mod is the intensity. This controls the strength of the tint/blood displayed by the Damage Tint mod. If you're playing Minecraft Survival in hardcore mode, you will definitely want to crank this setting to its max!

Are visual queues not enough to grab your attention? Surly, a blaring ominous heartbeat will. Under the audio section of the Damage Tint mod settings page, you can enable the "Heartbeat" toggle. This will play a heartbeat noise whenever the damage tint is displayed. Using the "Volume" slider, you can change how loud the heartbeat is played.

Damage Tint Mod for Minecraft Settings

#2 Pack Tweaks Minecraft Mod

With the power of the Minecraft Pack Tweaks mod, you can gain control over numerous elements related to Minecraft texture packs. Want to be fashionable by wearing a Minecraft Pumpkin? With the Pack Tweaks mod, you can disable the annoying pumpkin overlay. Maybe more useful is the hide fire setting. When you catch on fire, this setting will allow you to adjust various elements of the fire overlay. You can turn the fire height setting up so that the overlay displays an extreme inferno, or you can turn it all the way down and have the fire overlay disappear completely.

How to use the Pack Tweaks mod

To start using the Pack Tweaks mod, search for and enable it in the Minecraft Mods Menu. To access the Pack Tweaks mod's main features, simply click on the mod in the Mod Menu. This will open a list of options you can enable or adjust to your liking.

Install Minecraft Pack Tweaks Mod
The first settings category is "Miscellaneous." Here you will find small yet useful settings, such as the "Hide Pumpkin Overlay, which we briefly discussed a few paragraphs ago. In addition to the hidden pumpkin overlay feature, you can find the toggle for "Visible Tripwires" in this section. Enabling "Visible Tripwires" allows you to edit the color of trip wires with the "Trip Wire Color" setting. To do this, simply click on the red box next to the setting. Once you have changed this setting, tripwires will appear much more visible in your world. This is extremely helpful if your SMP partner loves to do "pranks" on you using trip wires.

Minecraft Trip Wire
In addition to changing the color of string for tripwires, you can also change the thickness and color of fishing lines. To change the color of the fishing line, simply click the box next to the "Fishing Line" setting. If your fishing line is not visible enough already, you can edit the thickness using the slider below the "Fishing Line" setting.

Staying on the topic of water, the "Water Opacity" setting is directly below the "Fishing Line" setting. Using the slider below the setting, you can set the water opacity to a value between 1 and 0, 1 being fully visible and 0 being invisible. Perhaps the best use of this feature is setting the water opacity to 0, then pretending to fly around while in survival!

The next major category under the Minecraft Pack Tweaks mod is the "advanced" category. Found here are some of the most useful features. The Custom Fire setting is the first and arguably most useful setting. We have all been there in Minecraft, caught on fire, frantically searching for a water source to extinguish the flames. The last thing you want during your potentially fatal predicament is an obnoxious flame overlay adding to the heat of the moment. What if you could make the previously annoying flame overlay slightly less obnoxious? Or, even better, disable it completely. You can do this with the "Custom Fire" setting. When enabled, you will have access to two new sliders, the "Fire Height" slider, and the "Fire Opacity" slider. As the name suggests, the "Fire Height" slider will allow you to edit the height of the fire overlay, while the "Fire Opacity" slider changes the visibility of the fire overlay. How would you completely disable the Minecraft Fire Overlay? Simply change the "Fire Opacity" setting all the way to 0!

Don't like swimming in murky water? Ever wanted to have clear water in Minecraft? With the "Water Fog" setting included in the Minecraft Pack Tweaks mod, you can have clear water in Minecraft. Once enabled, you will have access to a slider, which you can use to adjust water fog on a scale from 0 to 100. To get clear water in Minecraft, simply set the water fog setting all the way down to 0.

Minecraft Pack Tweaks Clear Water

#3 Item Physics Minecraft Mod

Want to make Minecraft a bit more realistic? With the Minecraft Item Physics mod, you can! When enabled, items and blocks dropped throughout your Minecraft world fall and lay flat in a realistic manner. Even if your goal is not realism, you will never get tired of the Item Physics mod. Throwing items around is memorizing. Just be careful not to throw any valuables into Lava!

Item Physics in Minecraft

How to use the Minecraft Item Physics Mod

To apply Minecraft item physics in your world using the Item Physics Mod, start by enabling the mod in the Mod Menu. Once enabled, you can click on the mod to open the settings page. Here, you will find the Item Physics Mod's only setting, which is "Rotate Speed." Adjusting the Rotate speed setting will change how fast items thrown rotate through the air. Setting the Rotate speed to 0 means that items will simply slide through the air, while a rotation speed of 5 means the item will rotate rapidly.

Install Item Physics Minecraft Mod

#4 Block Counter Minecraft Mod

Ever wondered how many blocks you have placed while playing Minecraft? Introducing the Minecraft Block counter mod! The Block Counter mod can be used to keep track of the number of blocks you place throughout your world. You can use the Block Counter mod to boast to your friends about how many blocks it took you to build a massive Minecraft structure. Or maybe a more useful use would be to monitor the dimensions of a large structure. Imagine needing to build a 100-block-tall tower. Instead of manually keeping track of how high you are in your head or having to use coordinates, you can use the Block Counter mod to count how many blocks high you are. The possibilities are endless when using the Block Counter Mod in Minecraft.

How to use the Block Counter mod

Like the previous mods in this list, to start using the Block Counter mod in Minecraft, enable the mod in the Mod Menu.

Install Block Counter Minecraft Mod
Once enabled, you should see a new HUD element that displays placed blocks. From this point, you can instantly start using the Block Counter mod. However, there are a few additional settings that you can access by clicking on the mod in the Mod Menu.

Block Counter Minecraft Mod
First, you will want to set a "Reset Counter" keybind. The counter reset keybind will be used to reset the block counter while in-game. To set this, click on the box next to the "Reset Counter" setting. After you click on the box, you can hit a keybind that you want to use for this setting. Make sure to set a keybind that you won't accidentally press. The last thing you want is accidentally resetting the block count after placing hundreds of thousands of blocks.

By default, the counter for the Block Counter mod will show up with a grey background and white text. However, since the Block Counter mod is a HUD mod, you will find additional settings for visual elements such as background, text, and border. The first setting you will come across is the "Background" setting. This setting has two parts: a background toggle and a background color selector. Using the "Background" toggle, you can enable/disable the background completely. On the other hand, by clicking on the "Background" color box, you can change the color of the background behind the counter. Note you will need to have the toggle enabled to see any change in color.

Block Counter Minecraft Mod Background
If changing the background color doesn't make the Block Counter mod pop enough, check out the "Border" setting. Like the background, this setting comprises a toggle and a color selector. When the toggle is enabled and color selected, you should see a weight outline around the Block Counter mod.

Block Counter Minecraft Mod Border
Finally, you can customize the text displayed by the Block Counter mod using the "Text" and "Brackets" settings. Like the border setting, you can change the color of the text using the white color selector box. In addition, you can disable/enable the use of brackets, which will show up around the mod text.

Block Counter Minecraft Mod Text Color

#5 Fullbright Minecraft Mod

Tired of mining for diamonds in the dark? Ever wondered how to make Minecraft fully bright? The easiest way to get full brightness in Minecraft is with the Minecraft Full Bright mod. What exactly does the Full Bright mod do in Minecraft? As the name suggests, the Full Bright mod in Minecraft allows you to make Minecraft fully bright, as if everything around you is in daylight, without the use of torches. Because of how useful and popular it is, we had to include it in this list. Never heard of the Full Bright mod before? In that case, the way you play Minecraft will be forever changed for the better. Imagine being able to go mining and be able to see every ore, no matter how far away it is. Or perhaps you can use the Minecraft Full Bright mod to assist you with conquering an ocean temple. Combining the Full Bright mod with the Packs Tweaks Water Fog feature can allow you to have a crystal clear view as you fight Guardians. The Minecraft Full Bright mod is truly an indispensable Minecraft mod that you need to try out.

How to use the Full Bright mod in Minecraft

By far, the easiest way to start using the Minecraft Full Bright mod is through the Badlion Client. Using Badlion Client, all you have to do is open the Mods Menu with the right shift keybind and search for "Fullbright." You should see a Minecraft mod appear on your screen. Click the toggle beneath the mod to enable it, following which, the Full Bright mod will take effect in your Minecraft world.

Minecraft Fullbright Install
The Full Bright mod is great, but what if you only want to use it for mining? With the "Toggle Key" setting, you can set a keybind that you can use to enable/disable the Fulbright feature. To set this keybind, click on the Full Bright Minecraft mod in the Mod Menu. A settings page for the Full Bright mod should appear, from which you can set the toggle keybind by clicking the box next to the "Toggle Key" setting. You can now enable the full rightness feature of the Fullbright mod for mining while still enjoying your authentic survival base lighting!

Minecraft Fullbright Install
Using any of the mods in this article should, by now, allow you to improve your Minecraft experience significantly. As we have mentioned throughout the article, the best way to make the most of all the mods is to use Badlion Client. Imagine being able to seamlessly use the Minecraft Full Bright and Pack Tweaks mod to defeat the ender dragon. Or perhaps, add a bit more of a realistic feel to Minecraft with the Item Physics and Damage Tint mod. You can do all of the above by simply downloading Badlion Client. Start enhancing your Minecraft journey today with the Badlion Client!
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