Diamonds are now even more useful in Minecraft 1.20. You can use them to copy the netherite upgrade trims that you need for a complete netherite equipment. You can also use them to copy armor trims the same way.
However, there are easy ways to find diamonds quickly in Minecraft 1.20. Keep reading to find out about the best diamond level in Minecraft and the best technique.
What level do you find Diamonds in Minecraft at?
The best Minecraft diamond level is at Y = -59. This is because the chance of diamonds generating increases as you go further down. If you were to go even further down, you would reach bedrock, which you cannot mine through.
At the y-level -59 you will not face any bedrock and have the highest chance of finding diamonds. This is the best place to find diamonds in Minecraft. Now that you know what level you should mine at, let us take a look at the different techniques.
We recommend bringing some potions of night vision with you. This way you can spot diamonds much easier. If you are not too sure on how to brew one, you can find out an explanation in this article.
Alternatively, you can use the Block Info Minecraft Mod that comes
pre-installed with the Badlion Client.
Branch Mining / Strip Mining
This method has been around for years now and is one of the best if you do not want to search for a cave. All you have to do is go down to the perfect height, and start mining. For Minecraft 1.20, that is Y = -59.
You can dig corridors that are 3x3 big, or corridors that are two blocks high and one block wide. If you go for the second one, make sure to leave spaces of two blocks in between the corridors. This way you can see all the blocks and can save some time. If you dig bigger corridors, there is no need to do this.
If you are new to your world, then this method is not as great. You will have to explore caves either way and can stumble across diamonds much easier with the upcoming cave methods.
If you have just started, then this method is probably the one you should go for. All you have to do is find a cave. Then go down and look out for diamonds.
As we mentioned earlier, the deeper you go, the more diamonds you will find. Make sure to at least go as deep as deepslate level.
For this method we recommend bringing some potions of night vision with you. This way you can spot diamonds much easier. If you are not too sure on how to brew one, you can
find out how to brew potions here.
Alternatively, you can use the Block Info Minecraft Mod that comes
pre-installed with the Badlion Client.
Deep Dark Mining and Moss Mining
If you are in a cave but want to find diamonds even more efficiently, then these two methods are perfect. Both of them follow a similar strategy. You replace deepslate with easier to break blocks. This way you can mine way more blocks in the same time and find diamonds easier.
If you are moss mining, then you use moss and bone meal. You can use the bone meal to make the moss spread further and then mine it with a hoe. We recommend enchanting your diamond hoe with efficiency 5. You can of course also bring a netherite hoe if you already have one.
You can do the same thing with the sculk blocks. But instead of manually spreading moss, you are breaking the already generated sculk blocks. You can use the same hoe that you brought for the moss mining technique. If you are caving and you bring some moss, you can do both techniques at the same time.
If you have just started, then this method is probably the one you should go for. All you have to do is find a cave. Then go down and look out for diamonds.
As we mentioned earlier, the deeper you go, the more diamonds you will find. If you go down to Minecraft's best diamond level Y = -59, then you will surely find some in no time!
How else can you find Diamonds?
Diamonds can be found in some treasure chests. You can find them in mineshafts, end cities, or buried treasures for example.
When you are exploring your world, make sure to loot all the treasure chests. You may stumble upon some diamonds. You can also go for a swim through the ocean and loot shipwrecks. They can also contain diamonds in their loot chests.
Speaking about swimming, you can also use a technique called “dive mining”. For this, you dive through underwater caves in hope of finding diamonds. You are fairly likely to find diamonds this way, though, we do not recommend this method.
Start searching!
Now you know about the best techniques to find diamonds in Minecraft. Grab a pickaxe, a hoe and go caving, or just build tunnels. The best way to find diamonds in minecraft depends on what you prefer the most. All of these techniques will help you find diamonds in no time.
Within no time you will be able to craft a Minecraft diamond sword, armor, or any other diamond equipment you need. To duplicate armor trims in Minecraft 1.20, you will now also need diamonds. This means that there will always be a use for them!