Badlion Client - Voice Mod v1 Officially Available To Everyone!
Posted on 06 June 2024 - 08:20 AM

We've heard you loud and clear, you all wanted us to add a Voice mod to BLC. We've been hard at work to create a new voice mod from scratch to hopefully reach the height of all voice mods.
This is the first version which means we will be adding a lot more features to improve this over time. Our first version focused mainly on establishing a UI for this mod and giving you the ability to create rooms and talk with each other.
Here's how the mod looks like!

Microphone settings
- Voice activity
- Push to Talk
- Always open
Once you create your room, you will be given the choice to set a pin to your room or just allow anyone to enter.
Once the room is created, this menu will appear.

Which will allow you to manage who has access to it. Allow you to kick/ban the users and change your Pin.
The official Badlion team will use this mod in the future for potential in-game events and create a tighter sense of community. Go try it out and let us know what you think!
Won't be spoiling too much but PROXIMITY chat is coming to everyone! You will be able to use it on your servers that you love playing with others. This feature is probably the number 1 suggested feature. It wasn't easy to implement which is why it's not in the 1st iteration of this mod but we heard you loud and clear!
Not a fan of a feature? How it looks? Want to see something new added? Tell us below or on our Discord, we're all ears! We want to make this the best experience for everyone involved (Casuals, Pros, etc!) so don't be afraid to try it out and give us our feedback.
Posted on 06 June 2024 - 05:26 PM
can you get it to work with discord voice chats?Posted on 07 June 2024 - 02:23 PM
my game just crashes once i enable it in the settingsPosted on 08 June 2024 - 10:17 AM
Crashhow can i turn it off?
i just turn it on and now ican't open my game