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How To Get an Invisible Item Frame in Minecraft

Learn how to get and use invisible item frames in Miencraft
How To Get Invisible Item Frames in MinecraftArticle posted on March 15, 2024 - 05:00 PM
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Item frames in Minecraft often provide greater detail to builds, but did you know you can also get an invisible item frame in Minecraft? These invisible item frames act just like normal item frames but are entirely invisible. This means they can suspend or hold items on walls and tables in a realistic manner, making it a valuable building tool resource. Keep reading to learn how you can obtain and use Minecraft invisible item frames in your world!

How to get an invisible item frame in Minecraft

To get an invisible item frame in Minecraft, open the chat bar by pressing "T" on your keyboard, and type the following command: /give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}.

A normal-looking item frame will appear in your hotbar after running the command. While this will appear like a regular item frame in your inventory, when you place it on a surface it will reveal that it is actually invisible. Despite this, you will be able to add items to the frame like normal.

Note: you must have cheats enabled in your world to run this command, otherwise you will not be able to get an invisible item frame in Minecraft.

What to build with invisible item frames in Minecraft

There are many ways to enhance your builds with invisible item frames. Here are five Minecraft invisible item frame build ideas!

#1 Desktop Objects

After building a desk in Minecraft, you may find that it appears bare. One easy hack you can use to make a desk look more realistic is using invisible item frames to add objects onto and around the desk. Simply place the invisible item frames all over the desk, and add items to the frames. Here is an example that uses a stone block as a mouse and a chest as a draw:

A Minecraft desk build that uses invisible item frames in minecraft

#2 Bathroom Features

Due to the intricate designs required to build objects like sink faucets, Minecraft bathrooms can appear dull. However, you can spruce up your bathroom designs in Minecraft using invisible item frames. You can also use stone, slabs, or a tripwire hook to make simple faucets that will make your bathrooms look much more realistic. In this example, we used a tripwire hook on an invisible item frame on top of a cauldron to make a sink.

A Minecraft sink design that uses a invisible item frame as a faucet

#3 Light fixtures

While you can use standard item frames in Minecraft to create extensive lighting fixtures, an invisible item frame can make your lighting design look even cooler. Start by placing a torch on a wall, then place an invisible item frame directly behind it. To make a torch holder, you can add items like stone, lecterns, or anvils. Experiment with blocks to find a design you like!

A Minecraft light design that uses an invisible item frame as a faucet

#4 Armor room

If you have a room with an anvil that you use for repairing or adding enchants, you can create a special ambiance by placing random invisible item frames around it and filling them with tools and armor. In no time, you will transform your anvil room into a medieval-looking blacksmith shop! As a bonus, you can use the item frames for storage.

A Minecraft anvil room design that uses an invisible item frame as a faucet

#5 Kitchen table

Want to have a good meal with your friends in Minecraft? Use invisible item frames to create an elaborate table filled with more food than you can eat! In this build, we used a tripwire hook as a spoon in an invisible item frame. You can even use a regular item frame as a plate and put real food on top of it!

A Minecraft kitchen build that uses an invisible item frame as a faucet

Overall, invisible item frames in Minecraft are one of the most versatile building hacks. Check out our kitchen design article here to improve your building skills further. Or, if you would like to enhance your survival base landscaping, you may find our Minecraft bridge design article interesting.
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