Badlion Network: Last Owner AMA
Do u guys think that the cheatbreaker client will ever release, i know this doesnt directly assiociate with badlion but indirectly it has to do with the minecraft HCF/Practice community
Right now I really don't care to be honest
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I think even if it does release, the community will be very disappointed with it at this point. It's too little too late in my opinion, but I also think they are going to run into technical nightmares up the ass that should have been looked into earlier on.
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How much time forums will stay & what sections on it will be?

Thank you for all you done and good luck with everything you do next.
Idk what the forums will turn into, but hopefully they don't change too much.

You're welcome
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Forums will shrink down to a BLC general area, suggestions, bugs, payment support, offtopic, and maybe 1-2 more.

Won't need nearly as much anymore.
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Archy you said that you might be interested in working on another network. If you still are interested, which network do you hope to work on?
I do not have any in particular, but right now I've received no offers that I would take up. I'm not looking for "insert practice server #289 here" or a random factions server, I'm looking for something worth my time and actually good. I've been thinking more and more about a gamemode I would like to add, but I'm unsure whether I will do it on Minecraft or Roblox, maybe both.
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Is there anything you would have done differently during your years working on badlion?
Several things:
1. Not merge Kohi
2. Not sell to ESL
3. Not focus for almost a year on esports
4. Not focus solely on competitive pvp (wanted to look into minigames and such)
5. Enjoy it more and stress less about it
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Would have done everything a year earlier to help made it more successful lol.
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just here to say thank you guys! Good luck in the future.

(Just because I‘m interested, do u guys remember me?)
Yes I remember you leon.
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Thanks :)

Yeah I remember you too
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Why can you still buy ranks in the store? Shouldn't those be turned off incase people don't know the server is shutting down in 2 weeks?
I think they are pro-rated, and I do know that perm ranks are disabled.
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Like Archy said perma ranks are disabled. If people want the unlimited matches then let them. The rest of the store will be going away on June 11th minus the BLC stuff.
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I just wanted to say to both of you, that you have made such a tremendous impact on the pvp community that you will always be remembered for not only the work you have done, but for the amazing characters you two are. I feel incredibly indebted to the pair of you, and I want you to know and remember the fact that so many people have relied on, and looked up to, both of you in your capacity as (Mr)Archy(bot) and MasterGberry the owners of Badlion, but also as Michael and Adam; the wonderful people you both are.

Now that the obligatory kiss-assing has been complete, I'll get onto the questions.

Still in touch with Pika? Miss the bloke?

Do you remember how much of an absoloute sperg i was back in 2014?

And more importantly, for all of us that were around in 2014, who was Ocracy? It was redpanda wasn't it? After all these years i still don't know.

Edit: few more

What was your opinion of me in general when I first started moderating?

Would you admit you both had a little soft spot for Jordan/Brave? (Didn't we all?)

I am not in touch with Pika but I do occasionally talk to his girlfriend about life, so I guess I'm indirectly in contact with him?

Yes I do l0l

Ocracy was someone who was very hated, redpanda seems right. I don't remember exactly but it was indeed someone not well-liked and we decided to hide who it was.

I don't remember that far back

Yes, I still talk to the idiot occasionally as we've recently reconnected
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I still keep in touch with Pika here and there. Not as much as I would like to but we just don't game together anymore.

You still and always will be a sperg to me :D

Yeah Ocracy was redpanda who was trying to turn over a new leaf…didn't really work out for him lol.

I can't remember.

Yeah he was another person who had his heart in the right place but just didn't think about what he was doing enough.

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What are you doing now?
Do you think microsoft/mojang will actually change the pvp system?
I'm working as a software engineer at Boeing STL.

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Working on the Badlion Client and potentially some more projects for ESL.

Nope, and if they do it won't be what the multiplayer community truly wants.
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Final thoughts about the switch from elo to MMR?

Do you feel like there were any major missed opportunities during your time at Badlion, like not capitalizing on a gamemode's popularity?

Once the server shuts down, can one of you talk a bit about how GCheat works? I still want to know how you guys detect autoclickers.

Do you feel like your attitudes towards the staff team changed over time?

Thank you guys for everything. Badlion was a big part of my life for a solid couple of years, and I really loved my time on here, both playing and staffing. Wish you both the best in whatever you do in the future.
I still feel MMR was the better system but it needed constant improvement and wasn't made to be live for 1+ year without a recent. We would run the S14 matches through ELO and it was pretty much the exact same. I find it very ironic that the loudest crybabies are addicted to games now that use MMR.

We should have capitalized on bedwars and skywars, we both wanted to have them both before hypixel, for example. We also could never capitalize on factions (a big reason was I hated it and would NOT help out with it).

No, most likely not as it would still compete with our BLC

I don't think so, it's just as we made it more structured I was less needed, so it seem like I was cold towards the lower staff. A lot of my feelings towards the staff also reduced as the community aspect of both the staff and the staff/famous/regular players started to disappear.

Always a pleasure Unwise
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I still believe MMR was the right decision, but the community unfortunately rejected it. I think the S15 MMR would have been better received but there were so many issues with the original one and it removed the grinding aspect of ArenaPvP which people did not like.

Yeah bedwars and skywars we definitely missed the boat on. I disagree with Archy about Factions, even though he would love to think that he is the reason it didn't work out, it didn't work because we just didn't have the youtuber support behind it. Faction players are like sheep that need a Shepard to herd them in. No youtubers to do that equals no Shepard.

Won't talk about GCheat.

I think my patience towards dealing with staffing problems has dwindled over time, but my actual attitude of or towards the staff team has not.

Good luck dude. Thanks for the good wishes.
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I don't have much to ask at this current point in time, so have fun with these.

Besides removing cheaters within this community, what are your guys' end goals for the client and how will you reach them?

What are your dream jobs?

Favorite ice cream?


I’ll keep this short, but I want to thank you both for making a place where not only people can find fun pvp gamemodes, but also where friendships can be created. Badlion will exist as a long lasting memory to me because of how much fun and enjoyment I’ve had with it. We truly cannot repay you for all of your guys’ dedication into making what Badlion really is.
End goal is to really just make the game as cheater free as we can since Mojang doesn't seem to care.

Dream job is probably designing games at a high level, like game director. I also wouldn't mind leading AI teams at a major tech company.


I think you're a nice & caring person and you always tried to talk.
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I really just want to help Minecraft stay alive a bit longer with the Badlion Client and really make it something that people love and want to use. Having people use it just motivates us. It's that simple.

My dream job was really running my own business and I did that here…so I don't know what my next dream job is to be honest. Maybe do it all over again.

I love Peanut butter vanilla ice cream.

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If you could go back to 2013/14 and reopen Badlion, is there a different approach you would've taken to the network? Whether it be in terms of hiring staff, developmental focus, gamemodes, etc?

Any guesses as to what Hypixel's unannounced project is?

What is the biggest life lesson/thing you've learned over the years of running Badlion?

Are you happy with the impact you've had on the community?


Thank you both for your work on this network. I've enjoyed seeing it evolve over the years and I plan to stick along and see where the client goes.
I wouldn't have solely focused on competitive minecraft only. One of the stagnating parts of BL was that it is hard to get into if you weren't already decent at PvP, and we could never break into less competitive games until it was too late (with the exception of SG).

I can't guess as I've spoken to them occasionally about it, but it looks really good.

This is going to sound so depressing, but the biggest lesson I've taken from this is to trust no one unconditionally, as it opens you up to the eventual betrayal and betrayal is the most painful emotion for me.

Yes, I love the impact I've had on the community and I wish I had more of one.

Don't know you well enough, sorry.
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Agree with Archy, would have helped get more into general game formats too and it would have allowed us to get bigger, possible compete with Hypixel.

Not sure what I should or shouldn't say so I will say nothing.

Work hard towards what you are passionate and success will follow.

Yeah I am.

None, sorry.
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What are your expectations for competitive MC going forward?

Do you think any other server will be able to grow OCN gamemodes to a high level?

What are your thoughts on Badlion's progress in regards to these gamemodes?

What are some of your thoughts on the current cheater problem in the PVP community?

From a non-anticheat perspective, what would you say are some of the best ways to combat this issue?

What are some of your thoughts on the community's reaction to cheaters/potential cheaters?
I don't see it going too much farther as we were the main pushers of it unless Mojang starts supporting it.


I think we had great progress, but it's really stagnated in the last year. Partially our fault, but the major fault lies with others (whether it be mojang, other games, or just shit like cheat developers.)

Back in the day, if you were a cheater you were ostracized from the community. Cheat developers were also seen as the biggest pieces of shit, and were basically exiled from the community. Nowadays this isn't the case, and it's only made the cheater problem worse, it's literally to the point people are supporting and youtubers have been partnering up with servers who have ACTIVE cheat developers as the owners/leaders. It's pathetic and an absolute disappointment, and I have little to no respect for anyone who has done the above.

Make gamemodes that hacks do not affect as much.

I already went over this, but I think the community sucks when it comes to combating cheaters at a community level.
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Won't go anywhere until Mojang or Microsoft try to do something…but it's too little too late.


I think that the OCN gamemodes just didn't fit the scheme of the game anymore. They would have been more successful if esports did better off earlier on.

I think the problem is that cheating has become a norm in Minecraft…it's become accepted as a day to day thing. In most games this is not the case.

Yeah like Archy said just make games that don't allow cheating to really be a problem.

The community really as a whole should be shunning cheaters with peer pressure more than they do. There are a lot of people who encourage it which is not the right approach.
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What server do I play now? There aren't too many English speaking pvp servers that aren't trash.

I will miss the server a lot.

Hypixel is probably your best bet for english pvp, just stay on their pvp modes
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Hypixel for sure.
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What specifically were you guys planning on doing w/ BL Premium (if not NDA)?

Why did BL separate itself so much from the Reddit UHC community?

Would the BL team/brand move to another game (if there is one that is similar to MC)

Thoughts on Fortnite?

What are your future aspirations/what do you hope to achieve in the coming years?

What will become the most useful degree/career path?

What is your philosophy of life?

What scares you the most in life?

What makes you happiest?

Finally, just wanted to add a thank you for 3-4 years of fun (regardless of frustrations), and let you guys know that Badlion has shaped my childhood (for the better and for the worst - predominantly better though - seeing me through to a stage where I am soon applying for college) and that this server has been an unforgettable experience for me. Good luck to both of you in your endeavors, and a final TY to Badlion. o7
Most of what you don't know is NDA'd, sorry

Because the reddit UHC community didn't like that we came in, said we could do a bunch of impossible things, then did impossible things. We thought their moderation was nazi-ish at the time so we distanced ourselves.

No, Badlion is owned by ESL so I can't brand it elsewhere. I MIGHT be going to roblox or another moddable game, maybe even stay inside of MC. I'm currently designing a few ideas.

Fortnite is boring to me, but MC is also boring to me so.

Just progress as a computer scientist overall (currently software engineering at boeing)

I think tech is still useful and will continue to grow. Medical is also pretty important

Don't absolutely trust anyone and don't be afraid to push yourself farther, even if it hurts someone else.

The thought of dying alone

Being close to people, whether as a relationship or inseparable friend (which I currently have none in either category, possibly have a friend that is approaching that though)

It was my pleasure to run Badlion for players like you
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NDA like Archy said. Sorry buddy :(

We made really large UHC games and built a central place for them to take place. Our UHC gamemodes were also much more pvp based versus screwing around gamemodes like flower power.

Probably not, it's owned by ESL. Guess it depends if we thought that the Badlion name belonged someplace else…but to be honest it's probably best to just leave it here.

Never tried it. I can see the appeal…but I am not a huge Battle Royale player.

I really would love to see BLC get somewhere. I would also love to start working on some other projects (pending ESL finishing their stuff so I can…), I have a vision for a specific project that I am supposed to be pitching possibly to the ESL board soon…i hope I get the funding for it. I think it will really be a success, if not I might just do it myself slowly like Badlion.

Engineering is still an always sure job (depending on the type).

Do what you love, try to stay positive.

To be honest I'm not sure. I don't really have an ultimate "i'm terrified of X" thing for life. I just worry about things here and there for short terms but I really try to keep a positive outlook on things.

Spending time with my girlfriend or family when they are not driving me up a wall lol. I also just love diving into a game like Legend of Zelda where time flies by.

Glad Badlion had a positive impact on you :)
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First thanks for everything over the years it means a lot.

At what point did you realise ‘oh shit this can become my full time job’?

What made you look into and open an AU server?

If you did it all again would you have opened an AU sever?

Opinion of staff team in 2015 and opinion of them now. What’s changed?

I don't remember when but I think it was mid 2014?

We opened an AU server because we had a large AU population

Right now, no, but I would have still opened in back in the day, it was large and successful.

Staff team was a lot closer to each other in 2015 then it is now, and I could tell you the names of each staff member, now I cannot.
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It was mid 2015 when we were really doing consistently better each month that I thought that it could become a career short term…I quit my job in fall 2015 to do it.

We wanted to open up an AU region to help reduce ping. We also wanted to compete with MCSG. We had seen a lot of success from opening up the EU region and wanted to repeat that success in AU.

Yeah I would not change anything with AU except maybe closing it down a bit earlier.

Was closer to the older staff team, but beyond that it's still a great group of hard working people.
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That's all we have time for. I'm sure when Gberry wakes up he'll answer what he wants.

Thus ends the last owner AMA.
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I'm finally done going through questions.

Thanks everyone, hope you learned a few things about us.
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Thread is locked